20 May

Lactation supplements for milk supply have become the new breastfeeding mother's best friend. Supplements like lactation oats have become popular in Singapore thanks to the assistance that they provide to new mothers.

If you've been thinking about trying a lactation drink or lactation oats, you need to know the benefits that they offer! Here are some of the advantages that lactation supplements for milk supply offer!

Full of Nutrition
A newborn mother's body would have to undergo an extensive recovery period for their body to regain its strength.

Thankfully, lactation oats can help improve a mother's nutrition by supplying it with all their needs!

Additionally, lactation oats are filled with B vitamins that help increase a mother's energy and elevate their mood!

Features Saponins
Saponins are a substance that positively impacts the hormones that promote breast milk production.

Mothers who are struggling to produce enough milk for their kids can get all the assistance they need through regular intake of lactation oats!

Plant Estrogens
Another component linked with the stimulation of milk glands and milk production is plant estrogens.

Lactation oats are one of the foods that have great plant estrogens, making them the perfect supplement for breastfeeding mothers.

Filled with Beta-glucan
Beta-glucan is a kind of fibre that's also associated with improving the levels of prolactin, the breastfeeding hormone.

And if a mother is regularly improving her body's prolactin hormones, the better chances she has of increasing her breast milk production!

Other Health Benefits
Besides assisting breastfeeding mothers daily, lactation oats also offer other additional health benefits!

For example, lactation oats help lower your blood pressure and are also good for the heart. Beta-glucan also can help in lowering one's cholesterol. Additionally, they can help stabilise blood sugar levels so long as mothers consume it with the right amount of sugar.

Learn more about the benefits of lactation oats and a lactation drink by visiting Ms Kinny SG's website, the leading provider of slimming coffee in Singapore!


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